Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I Can Has Website?

I've finally completed my website - a feat that I'm pretty proud of. Of course, it will need edits and tweaks along the road, but as it stands, I think I've done well. 

On another note, I've been greatly enjoying my weeks at home on break. I spent my christmas on a cruise ship - the Vision of the Seas - traveling from LA to Mexico. I spent a week with family and new friends and it could not have been better. Since then, I have been a guitar hero and a lazy bum bum and look forward to my return to Boston for a second semester. 

Til next time...

Friday, October 31, 2008

Bus-tin' out.

I sit now, on a bus. Not just any bus - a MEGAbus.

okay, that was lame.

I'll admit, the bonus that I can wile away the hours to NY on my handy-dandy notebook is no small thing. Pew Pew Pew, I can shoot aliens in a game while sittin behind an absurdly tall man and in front of a pretty blonde.

Wonder if she's reading as I type. Hello, pretty blonde.

And yet, there remains a flaw in the plan. A four hour ride i have, but a four hour battery I have not. here I sit, with only 21 minutes left. Oh please stay alive, Mr. Mac.

shit. 20 minutes.

I'm heading down to NYC now, to spend the halloweekend with a change of costume and a change of scenery. It should be fun, and I'll be sure to write about it on Sunday or Monday.

Anyways, that's all I've got for now. I think i've got enough battery to check my twitter feed a few more times.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

"May Your Organs Fail Before Your Dreams Fail You"

The title is the post is the key line to a song called "Little Maggots" by The Matches. There's a link to them performing it live, which of course ruins any sound quality whatsoever, but the point is there nonetheless.

It's funny to me how such a positive message, coupled with sharp vocals, questionable dialect and a fast paced punk rhythm, can sound almost sinister. It's essentially saying "May your dreams never die" - positive, optimistic, wistful even - but this rendition comes off sounding almost threatening. It reminds me of a culture, exactly which one escapes me, that uses "May You Lead an Interesting Life" as a condemnation.

Upon googling, it appears that I was thinking of the Chinese, and the exact quote is "May you Live in Interesting Times."

The point is, it really all comes down to presentation. No matter what you try to say, inflection will always surpass intention.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I still have a blog?

Hm... I guess I do.

Lets see... what can I update the dispersed masses about...

I can cook. Yeah, that seems pretty important. So far, my attempts at cooking have all been successful, including the Crock Pot Pot Roast! Wow, that looks redundant.

I'm in the process of a building a brand new website, despite my lack of website knowledge.

I'm also thoroughly enjoying my new apartment in cambridge.

Hm... that seems good, for now. I'll have to keep writing, I suppose.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Teeny Tiny Dogs.

I am NOT the first person to say this, but what the hell are these little tiny dogs? There's not even a whole ton to write on the subject - yes, they're adorable in the fact that they'd probably fit in my back pocket, but C'mon... seriously?

When your leash weighs more than your dog... it might be a gerbil.

When I moved to New York, I assumed I'd see rats. I just didn't expect so many on leashes.

Monday, June 2, 2008

The New York Subway - AKA, "The Normal Game".

Riding on the Subway this morning, I noticed a common behavior among everyone on their commute to work. As we collectively traveled to our monotonous downtown careers, it seems we got into step by the time we stepped onto the train. What I encounter every weekday for a 20 to 30 minutes is what I have now dubbed: The Normal Game. 

The rules are simple - seem normal. Granted, there are many strategies to the game, but the point is that you only have to seem normal, even if you aren't. 

Trust me, many people aren't. 

Anyways, onto the strategies. The first is one I personally indulge in - the ever helpful iPod. I turn on some music and ignore everyone else. Its pretty effective on the auditory front, but on the visual front, there lies yet another problem. Where exactly do you look? Many focus on reading the same ads that they've read over and over again, while others vainly stare at themselves in the reflections of glass against dark tunnel walls. In this way, they win the game because they seem normal.  But when you think about it, is there anything normal about staring at one spot for the entirety of a subway ride? Not really no. 

Strategy two - the visual distraction. A fortunate convenience is the free newspapers available to everyone. An unfortunate nuisance, on the other hand, is the free newspapers available to everyone. 

Should I explain? I should probably explain. 

When you take a relatively small space and fill it with a certain number of people, its only relatively comfortable. When you add in newspapers, a teeny tiny little "u-n" slips its way in there too. I'll let you figure out where, smarty pants. The fact is, with everyone trying to seem normal, they make an over-the-top effort not to invade anyone else's personal space. With a newspaper, its like a train full of linebackers. 

Which brings us to our last strategy of the Normal Game - don't affect anyone else. In short, many people take this to mean don't touch anyone and shudder at the thought of physical contact with anyone. 

Side note (you didn't think I'd get rid of these, did you?):
Many people, especially guys, will forfeit the game for personal gain - ie. The hot girl who has an empty seat next to her.  Rowrrr. 

To top it off, I've found that many people will apologize for even the littlest accidental touch. 

Oh, our elbows bumped? My Bad. 
Oh, our toes touched? Sorry!
Oh, my hand brushed your ass? Can I get your number? 

The point that I've failed to keep short is this - crowded subways are inherently awkward. Its a fact of life. 

But for the sake of tradition, lets keep playing the game... It's funny to see people lose. 

A month later...

Since my return to the land of the free, plenty has happened, and yet nothing has struck me as worth noting a blog. When traveling, I felt almost obligated to keep going to accompany my pictures, but without exciting photographs of distant lands, the drive just isn't there anymore. Nonetheless, a recap of the last month.

- Bamboozle Festival (May 3 and 4)
Amazing concert with amazing friends, certainly no complaint on this end.
- Internship at Interference Inc. (May 12-August 1st)
Working in New York City. Even if I wanted to, I don't think I'd be allowed to complain.
-Spending time with amazing, amazing friends (Ongoing)
Need I say more?

That said, I've decided to take an observational turn with this blog. Call it impersonal if you will, but the future is going to focus more on the latter half of the title.

Look out, "The World", I'm watching you.