Monday, June 2, 2008

A month later...

Since my return to the land of the free, plenty has happened, and yet nothing has struck me as worth noting a blog. When traveling, I felt almost obligated to keep going to accompany my pictures, but without exciting photographs of distant lands, the drive just isn't there anymore. Nonetheless, a recap of the last month.

- Bamboozle Festival (May 3 and 4)
Amazing concert with amazing friends, certainly no complaint on this end.
- Internship at Interference Inc. (May 12-August 1st)
Working in New York City. Even if I wanted to, I don't think I'd be allowed to complain.
-Spending time with amazing, amazing friends (Ongoing)
Need I say more?

That said, I've decided to take an observational turn with this blog. Call it impersonal if you will, but the future is going to focus more on the latter half of the title.

Look out, "The World", I'm watching you.

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