Friday, October 31, 2008

Bus-tin' out.

I sit now, on a bus. Not just any bus - a MEGAbus.

okay, that was lame.

I'll admit, the bonus that I can wile away the hours to NY on my handy-dandy notebook is no small thing. Pew Pew Pew, I can shoot aliens in a game while sittin behind an absurdly tall man and in front of a pretty blonde.

Wonder if she's reading as I type. Hello, pretty blonde.

And yet, there remains a flaw in the plan. A four hour ride i have, but a four hour battery I have not. here I sit, with only 21 minutes left. Oh please stay alive, Mr. Mac.

shit. 20 minutes.

I'm heading down to NYC now, to spend the halloweekend with a change of costume and a change of scenery. It should be fun, and I'll be sure to write about it on Sunday or Monday.

Anyways, that's all I've got for now. I think i've got enough battery to check my twitter feed a few more times.

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