Just for clarifications sake.
So I spent Thursday and Friday exploring Amsterdam on my own, since I had yet to actually spend any large amount of time there, despite only being 2 hours away. It's true what they say, you always seem to overlook the things right under your nose.
Now, I personally think that Amsterdam gets a really bad reputation. Yes, prostitution is legal. Yes, Marijuana and other soft drugs are tolerated. Yes, they have urinals built into the streets.
Yes, their flag has XXX in the middle of it.
Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure it has earned its "bad boy" reputation.
Still, Amsterdam is a gorgeous city. I came in thursday night around 9, dropped my stuff off at the hostel, and walked into the heart of the city. The city itself isn't particularly large, but its got a very strange arrangement as the streets work around the canals, which serve as rings expanding outward. Its surprisingly tricky to navigate on foot. Fortunately, Amsterdam has an incredible tram system, which makes getting around a little easier.
But, I digress. I got some Donor Kebab for dinner and walked into the Dam Square, experiencing the Red Light District and the bar scene on my own for a while.
Girls of the Red Light District... you know the ones I mean... they really work for your attention when you're alone. I walked down an alley once, and had girls tapping on glass from both sides. It would have been an ego-boost, if they wanted me and not just my money.
Side Note: Come to think of it, I'll pretend they really wanted me. Damn, I'm sexy.
After wandering for an hour or so, I stopped into a coffee shop and partook in some of the local culture, so to speak. Afterward, I made my way back to the hostel... it took a long time, I got pretty lost.
The next day, I met Kristen for lunch, then we walked around in the beautiful weather for a while. Around 3 we split, and she went to a meeting while I checked out the Van Gogh Museum.
It was pretty amazing, but my favorite pieces weren't even Van Gogh's! There was an exhibition of Millais, who did the famous Ophelia painting. I turned on my iPod, listened to some indie music and wandered for hours through those halls.

Afterward, I headed to the Bols museum, which is actually a huge marketing tool for Bols liquor. I don't care, it was really cool. I even met with the marketing director to discuss international marketing plans! I swear, it happened.
Finally, as I walked home through the streets of Amsterdam, I realized how great the city really is. Only here is there such a vivid contrast of Night and Day, comfortably tucked into a small circular city. Amsterdam is the Batman of International Cities.
Oh, and I went to the Sex Museum.
I'll be sure to come back to Amsterdam in April, especially when the tulips are in bloom.
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