Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What do Mirrors do? They Reflect.

So, I've been in Europe for around a month and a half now, which leaves me with just under 2 months left. Plus, seeing as I stayed around the castle this weekend to save money and prepare for midterms, there's not much to report about this weekend. I did, however, bike to Germany, which sounds much more epic than it really is.  Next weekend I'll be in prague though, so I'll have plenty to talk about then. 

Onward unto reflections. 
Being here, living in a small town for the first time has been an experience all in itself - Saying hello to complete strangers as we passed on the sidewalk was almost jarring at first, but it comes quite naturally now. The funny thing is that all of the natives can point out the Castle Dwellers, not because we look American but because they've simply never seen us before - in such a small town, it must be hard not to notice someone new. 

On top of that, Its been really amazing seeing all these beautiful cities, experiencing all the different cultures, but at the same time, it's been bittersweet. Yes, I love seeing all these cities, but the thing I hate is playing tourist everywhere - there's never enough time to truly assimilate into the culture. There have been a couple cities where I've said "hey, enjoyed it, don't need to come back," (See Budapest, Geneva) but others like Paris and London have left me longing for more.
One assumption I held before my arrival in Europe was that America was hated worldwide, but I've actually found the people I've encountered to be very friendly and accommodating, even after finding out I am American. It certainly was a relief, knowing that many people recognize that we aren't entirely accountable for the poor decisions of our president. Plus, we've made some friends along the way, like our british and belgian friends! 

I'd like to say I'm totally different after living in Europe, but I don't feel particularly different... I'm pretty sure I'm still the same Dan. Maybe I know a little more dutch, but that's it. 

Anyways, Its only the first week of March, and I've got 2 more months to live it up, Euro-style. 

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