Saturday, March 15, 2008


See, it's funny because it's actually called "Praha," not Prague. I don't get why they had to anglicize it either. 

Might as well laugh, otherwise it'll just be awkward.
Too late.

So this weekend I traveled with Cait, Kristen and the newly recruited Nick to Prague for the weekend. We headed out around 7 to our overnight train, which departed around 9 or 10. We had a 4 person compartment, complete with beds for us to sleep in. It was pretty claustrophobic, but we got over it and actually enjoyed ourselves. We arrived in Prague and were STILL exhausted, so we dropped off our bags and crashed for an hour or two. 

Side note:
We've been having incredible luck with Hostels! So far there's only been one hostel that left me feeling uncomfortable, and even that one wasn't so bad. GO EUROPE! 

Anyways, we left the hostel around Noon and began our exploration. The weather turned quite nice, and we had a great day out, seeing the sights and taking in the culture. Around 5 we divided so that Cait and Nick could see a classical music concert for their musical theatre class, while Kristen and I had a "date."  We actually decided to go to a show of our own, so at 8 o'clock we paid for cheap tickets, then snuck down to the better seats toward the front. 

I'm ashamed to say that I started to nod off during the music. However, what I heard, I really enjoyed. After this, we went back to the hostel, got ready and went to the biggest club in Prague, standing 6 stories tall with 5 different dance floors. 
Now, allow me to inform the public about clubs.
There, I hope things have been clarified a little bit more.   It's not that I had a bad time, it's just the pretentious nature of clubs - constantly judging each other based of appearance since its too loud to attempt to have a conversation with anyone - It's ridiculous. Still, put a couple free drinks in my hand and I guess I can't complain. 

The next day, after arriving home in the wee hours of the morning, the 4 of us got off to a late start. We decided to check out New Town, since we had spent the day before in Old Town. 
Whereas I loved the historic beauty of Old Prague, New Town felt very commercial and turned out to be a lot harder to enjoy. Still, it was nice enough. Cait and I took off around 7 o'clock to see our Blacklight Theatre show at 8 O'clock. 

Blacklight theatre shows are normal stage shows with blacklit background and props - its actually very interesting to watch - actors hidden in all black ninja costumes move the bright green and orange props around to interact with the characters on stage. It looks amazing on stage - so simple, yet so engaging. 

After this, we headed back to the hostel, but Cait and I stopped in at a jazz club for about an hour, chatting over drinks dubbed "Hot Mango" and "Hot Apple". We expected tea, but instead got something so much better. From what I could tell, they steamed real fruit juice and added cinnamon sticks for flavor at the bottom. The drinks were amazing and I can't wait to try to make one of my own! 

Finally, we went to bed, only to spend the next 13 hours on trains getting delayed on our way home. Oh well, at least we tried. 

Prahahahaha. Get it?!

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